Chapter 10. Decorating the output

Some attributes and elements are available to enhance the appearance of the output.

title and p elements, icon, fpi, flag, role and subject attributes all fall into this category. The objective is to enable clear guidance to the reader as to the validation step which failed and the source of the error or problem in the source document.

The title and p elements we have seen earlier in this document.

The title element is valid in schema and patternelements , providing a title for either the entire schema, or a particular pattern.

The p element is valid in the schema, pattern and phase elements, providing additional documentation.

The emph element provides some form of emphasis. It is optional in implementations. How the emphasis is shown to the user is not specified. It is an inline element, being valid within active, assert, diagnostic, p and report elements, i.e. all those which take mixed content. In the same way, the more generally applicable inline element span with a class attribute is available. For these elements, it is necessary to transform the elements in a stylesheet which imports, for instance, iso_svrl.xsl, or amend iso_svrl.xsl to include the inline processing. Such an amendment is shown in Example 10.1, “A template to process emph or span content”

Example 10.1. A template to process emph or span content

 <xsl:template name="process-span" >
   <xsl:param name="class" />
     <svrl:span class="{$class}">
     <xsl:apply-templates mode="inline-text"/>

 <xsl:template name="process-emph">
   <svrl:emph><xsl:apply-templates mode="inline-text"/></svrl:emph>

Each template adds the span or emph element in the svrl namespace to the output, ready for processing from the svrl file.

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